Professional Rules of Conduct require attorneys to be mentally fit to practice law, but how do we accomplish that during a pandemic? Please join the Lunch and Learn Committee and speaker Laura Kiehl to discuss the current concerns of COVID-induced stress and how to deal with it in your own life, as well as recognizing the signs of stress and trauma in your clients. Laura will discuss her personal journey with trauma and a PTSD diagnosis while working in the court system. Her presentation will offer information on the stigma surrounding mental health within women's careers and will offer resiliency tools and an open dialog for addressing real-life issues related to stress while working.
Laura is Ada County’s Domestic Violence Court Program Administrator and is the former Mental Health Court Coordinator. Laura is also the co-chair of the Region 4 Behavioral Health Board and is the District 4 Judiciary Appointee on the Board.
Special thanks to the Idaho State Bar for co-hosting this virtual event!
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 930 6149 0505
Passcode: 388774
One tap mobile
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We look forward to seeing you there!