Calling Volunteers for the 2018 IWL Retreat Planning Committee

  • May 22, 2017
  • 12:00 PM
  • Dawson Taylor Coffee House, 219 N. 8th Street, Boise

In April 2018, IWL will once again present the Idaho Women Lawyers Retreat! If you have been looking for a way to get involved with the IWL, here is your chance. We will be organizing another retreat program with educational, networking, and recreational opportunities for all of our members.

The Retreat Committee’s first planning meeting will be Monday, May 22, 2017 at noon at the Dawson Taylor Coffee House, at 219 N. 8th Street, Boise. We will be setting up a regular committee structure, picking a location, and firming up dates then. If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to be involved in future planning meetings, please email Joy Vega at Thank you!